Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome to the Thunder Dome, Bitches!

This is the first post on what I hope to be my first kick-ass blog. I've dabbled in blogging before, but while I was free lancing as a web designer it made more sense to keep all of my thoughts on my own website. Now that I've moved on in my career, it just makes more sense to move my sometimes non-sensical rants to blogger.

Having lived in New York now for over a year, I'm starting to get used to city living. The one thing I knew moving here though was that space where you are living comes at a premium, and the idea of a man cave is just not possible in most Manhattan apartments. That gave me the idea of creating this blog. If I can't have my "cave" within the walls that I call home, why not at least create one online. I'll be talking about anything that my fellow cave dwellers would be talking about including sports, food, video games, music among other things.


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