Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Electronic Invasion!

Lately there has been an increase in the amount of electro-influenced pop music and even electronic music itself being played on radio stations and on TV. I think it's really interesting to follow the movement of current trends in music and this craze is nothing new. In Europe, electro, house and trance music is HUGE. In fact, the majority of Electronic artists are from Europe.

What's really interesting to see is the influence that the disco and funk eras had on the European music scene over the last couple of decades. Now, that same shift is coming back west to the US. Big name artists have caught on to the movement and have started to include electronic beats and feeling into their music.

Some argue that this isn't music. That this is just a bunch of sound effects that have been generated and thrown together. In today's digital world, it only makes sense that our music started moving in this direction. That's not to say that it's all about the beat. A lot of artists have started to blend traditional instruments with electronic beats and the results have been awesome. There have been some really interesting cross genre mixes too (Like the one in the YouTube clip below).

Whether this is just a fad or a power shift in music industry has yet to be determined., but one thing's for sure... I'll be rocking to the beat while it lasts!